Claim Your Accredited E-Certificate!

Here at Magick & Witchcraft Academy, your growth and success are at the heart of everything we do.

That's why after you've journeyed through any of our paid online courses, we gift you a dash of extra joy—a free, personalized e-certificate to mark your accomplishment.

Accreditation by IPHM

Our online courses are officially accredited by IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine} The largest leading independent professional accreditation board worldwide specializing in certifying alternative practitioners.

After completing our courses, you have the option to also apply for IPHM Membership for an additional fee. This optional membership offers benefits including special insurance coverage offers for alternative practitioners, listing on their website and a membership card.

Important Note on Accreditation

The field of alternative and holistic practices can vary significantly across different regions and countries.

While our courses are accredited by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM), we encourage all students to carefully consider their local regulations and requirements. It's essential to check with your local authorities or relevant professional bodies to ensure that the accreditation we offer aligns with the standards and expectations in your area.