
    1. Introduction

    2. 1. Seizing Life's Turning Points: The Art Of Opportunity Recognition

    3. 2. Embracing The Journey: The Power Of Learning As You Go

    4. 3. Balancing Act: The Art Of Smart Risk Distribution

    5. 4. The Opportunity Mindset: Unveiling Potential In The Everyday

    6. 5. The Power Of Connections: Nurturing Your Network For Success

    7. 6. Embracing Failure: Your Stepping Stone To Success

    8. 7. The Power Of Practical Wisdom: Bridging Knowledge And Success

    9. 8. Solution-Focused Mindset: Transforming Challenges Into Opportunities

    10. 9. Embracing Change: The Art Of Flexibility And Adaptability

    11. 10. Embracing Change: The Art Of Flexibility And Adaptability

    12. BONUS : Workdesk Tension and Body scan Guided Meditation

About this Audiobook

  • $5.99
  • 12 lessons
  • 50 min of Audio
  • Audiobook only. Certificate or Community access not included.

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