Balance Magical Studies With Your Busy Life

The Magic You'll Find in Our Audiobooks

  • Flexible Learning

    Our concise lessons fit seamlessly into your busy schedule. Master magical knowledge in short bursts, perfect for your lunch break or before bed.

  • Explore intricate magical topics

    Broaden your mystical horizons with carefully curated content on lesser-known aspects of witchcraft.

  • On-the-Go Wisdom

    Transform idle moments into learning opportunities with our mobile app. Whether you're in line at the grocery store or on a lunch break, your next lesson is always at your fingertips.


    1. Promo

    2. Learn on the go with our free app

    3. 1. Introduction To Lucid Dreaming

    4. 2. Dream Recall and Journaling

    5. 3. Reality Checks And Cultivating Awareness

    6. 4. Meditation, Mindfulness And Lucid Dreaming

    7. 5. Sleep Hygiene And The Circadian Rhythm

    8. 6. Visualization And Intention Setting For Lucid Dreaming

    9. 7. Conscious Living Techniques For Better Dream Control

    10. 8. Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD)

    11. 9. Wake Induced Lucid Dreams (WILD)

    12. 10. Advanced Techniques For Lucid : Maintenance and Control

    13. BONUS: Slow Shamanic Drumming for Lucid Dreaming

About this Audiobook

  • $4.99
  • 13 lessons
  • 70 min of Audio
  • Audiobook only. Certificate or Community access not included.

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